About us
For a presentation of our company, click onto the menu option ""About us".
Find out more about topics such as:
Company data
Fields of application
and much more...
The menu option "Worldwide" provides information on our locations around the world. Navigation under this point is broken down under the headings Worldwide, Europe-wide, Germany-wide. If you move your mouse to the individual points on the symbolic maps, a window with details relating to the relevant location will appear. If you then click onto the point in question, the page jumps down to the relevant entry and highlights it in green.
The menu option "Products" offers an overview of all our products. Using an easily controlled database, it is simple to pick out the most suitable product for your needs.
Selection works in several stages:
First select a publication
Then select the required product
Next, select the required sub-group if applicable
he last step before you arrive at a sensible selection is to select a suitable thread or diameter.
The result will be a rough selection from our range of products. Please use the filter possibilities provided in the upper part of the output list in order to refine your search.
Should you still not be able to find a suitable product, at the bottom end of the output list there is an ?extended selection? option provided. Click on this to show additional products which could match your requirements.
In the output list itself, use the ?i? button to obtain a direct display of the technical drawings relating to the listed product. It is also possible to place an enquiry with our sales advice staff using the envelope symbol.
Alternatively, you can directly print out a technical drawing for a specific article number. To do this, use the point ?Technical drawing? in the main menu bar or click to the article you are looking for through the product database. A new window opens when you give the print command. If pop-up blocking software such as Norton InternetSecurity is active, this will need to be disabled in order to use the print function.
Under the ?Service" menu option, you can contact us to arrange an appointment, place a product enquiry, discuss a problem or request additional informative material.
Should you have any other problem or enquiry, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by e-mail or to give us a call. If technically possible, we will do everything in our power to comply with any request.
eMail: kkv-amberg@kerbkonus.de
tel: +49 9621 679-0
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