Versatile fields of application
The fields of application spanned by Kerb-Konus
products are wide and varied. Hardly a threaded fastening exists
for which one of our products could not be used.
We supply threaded inserts for metals, plastics,
hardwood and plywood, for materials which may be installed via
screwing, riveting or embedding. They are readily found in
passenger cars, commercial vehicles and ships, as well as
household appliances, cameras, computers and electrical goods.
In many cases, it is only through the use of our threaded
bushings for thin-walled moldings that it is possible to achieve
secure, firm screw fastenings.
The various Kerb-Konus coating systems secure screws
against loosening, sealed threads and prevent the creation of
unwanted deposits caused by electrophoretic priming processes
or welding splashes, and also reduce the coefficient of friction
occurring at the thread.
Over the sixty years which have elapsed since the
foundation of our company, we have succeeded in solving
countless fastening problems involving any number of different
workpieces. Let us know what your fastening requirements are -
we will take care of them, even if it means developing something
totally new just for you.